I'm honoured to work with the Canadian Ophthalmological Society to help with providing accurate information about Glaucoma. It was with their help that the Define Glaucoma Page on the menu was created. They put out a press release for Glaucoma Awareness Month a few days before the premiere exhibition event. - J. Tidd
TORONTO, Jan. 11, 2022 /CNW/ – Known as the “silent thief of sight”, glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in older North Americans, and more than 400,000 Canadians are living with glaucoma today. Yet, according to a survey by the Canadian Ophthalmological Society, nearly half of Canadians (49 per cent) are unfamiliar with this eye disease. As January marks Glaucoma Awareness Month, the Canadian Ophthalmological Society is helping to spread awareness by highlighting the work of Toronto-based photographer and fashion model, Jordan Naomi Tidd, who captures the unique perspective of the world through a person living with this eye disease.
“As a photographer, there are some challenges living with this eye disease, but I’ve quickly learned to notice the beauty in my photographs and the way I see the world,” says Tidd. “During the editing process, I’m not always able to catch all the required fixes so I have to ask others for support. However, I’ve turned this challenge into an opportunity to spread awareness of glaucoma. Through my lens, I want to educate others on what this eye disease is and how it can affect your eyesight.”
View the full article HERE


The Glaucoma Research Society of Canada is the direct recipient of all Eyes Open Photography donations. I'm honoured to work with them donated towards Glaucoma research and advancements. - J. Tidd
JAN. 11, 2022 - A young photographer, Jordan Tidd, who suffers from Glaucoma, is making a positive visual impact on the world by hosting her Premier Eyes Open Photography Exhibition on January 15, 2022.
Miss Tidd's photography shows viewers what it is like to see the world through the eyes of a person suffering with Glaucoma, as she does herself, through innovative "Glaucoma Edits". She uses her unique perspective to raise awareness of this serious eye disease and empathy for the 80 million people that it affects worldwide. The Eyes Open Exhibition will take place on January 15, both online and as an in-person event at the Distillery District in Toronto. There will be an opportunity to purchase eye-popping original photography and bid on several pieces in silent auctions.
View the Society website HERE


Jordan Tidd was invited to come film an interview with Susan Hay for the Global News Toronto show Making a Difference one week after her premiere photography exhibition for Glaucoma awareness. It was such an amazing opportunity to raise awareness for the disease and share her work.
"Susan Hay was so lovely and caring. I could feel that she truly cared to learn about Glaucoma. The team did such an incredibly amazing job with the segment. We talked about the disease, my exhibition, and how my life has changed for the good and the bad. I am so excited for the amount of awareness that has been raised as a result of the interview - it really did make a difference! Thank you for all the beautifully encouraging messages; you are not alone living and thriving with Glaucoma. I can hardly wait for the next photography exhibition this Summer on July 23, 2022."
Toronto-based photographer diagnosed with glaucoma educates others capturing moments through her lens. Since being diagnosed with glaucoma at the age of 17, Jordan Tidd founded Eyes Open Photography. By capturing moments through her lens, Tidd’s hopes to educate others on how glaucoma can affect your eyesight. Susan Hay has the story.
Watch the video below!


Eyes Open Photography was featured on City News Toronto the day before the premiere exhibition event. It was such a great opportunity to raise awareness for Glaucoma and tell about the event!
Founder and Solo-Photographer, Jordan Tidd, was invited to do an interview with City News Toronto to share Eyes Open Photography, Glaucoma, and her story! She interviewed with Audra Brown and Dr. Gdih Gdih.


The Premiere Eyes Open Photography Exhibition took place at the Arta Gallery within their beautiful and historic space.
"Begin the New Year discovering new Toronto art and artist. Chosen by Canada's top BlogTO, Arta Gallery presents Eyes Open Photography Exhibition for Glaucoma Awareness"......"This new exhibition features life photographer J. Tidd whose works share and bring awareness to the perspective of the world through the eye of the disease that Tidd carries herself."
View exhibition blog HERE


BlogTO put the premiere exhibition in their event calendar online, sharing the beautiful photograph entitled Benevolence, a part of the Beyond Black and White Collection with their viewers and supporters.
"The Eyes Open Photography Exhibition is a bi-annual exhibition to share Jordan Tidd’s pieces and raise awareness for Glaucoma - one photo at a time!"


"Meet Alumna Jordan Tidd! Jordan created 'Eyes Open Photography' a photography exhibition which will raise awareness for Glaucoma eye disease."
George Brown College made a social media post to promote the premiere exhibition event to the George Brown community. Jordan graduated from the college early 2021.

Jordan Tidd was so excited to recieve a letter of congratulations from Mayor Frank Scarpitti!


We were so happy to have NOW Toronto do an article around our 2023 Summer Sight exhibition event helping us raise awareness for Glaucoma


Canada Today put out an article on our Summer Sight exhibition the day after it took place, helping us to raise even more awareness for Glaucoma. Thank you, Canada Today!


Thank you Toronto News Station for an article on the Summer Sight exhibition, shining a bright light on our goal of Glaucoma awareness. They chose our beloved 'Ocean Treasure' for the cover.

The Toronto Times published a beautiful write-up about the Summer Sight photography exhibition and its role in spreading awareness about Glaucoma. The article also included highlights of the 2022 Canadian Ophthalmological Society survey.